Founded in 2014 in the Metropolitan Los Angeles area, Sarvar Wireless, a premium Lifeline provider has extended its services across all 50 states and even in Puerto Rico and Washington DC. To tell you more about them, they offer free internet each month for eligible customers under the Affordable Connectivity Program.
By this time you might know that Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is an extension of the previously known Lifeline program. Already over half a million users have claimed ACP benefits and you can claim these benefits at participating network providers. You can choose Sarvar Wireless or Tempo Wireless or Excess Telecom or any other government Lifeline provider approved by FCC.
Through this program, you get up to $75/month of free benefits for internet usage for qualifying tribal lands and a minimum of $30/month for other normal users.
As a qualification process for the Sarvar Wireless ACP benefits, there are various government schemes through which you can qualify. If you are a struggling household then you can even qualify using the household income provided that your household annual income must be or below 200% of the Federal Poverty guidelines.
Based on various government scheme participation, any of your family members should be receiving Medicaid, VA Survivors Pension, Supplemental Security Income, Bureau of Indian General Assistance, Head Start, School Breakfast Program, WCI (Women, Infant, and Children Program), received a Federal Pell Grant, SNAP, National School Lunch Program or any other scheme through which federal government is providing you monthly benefits.
Sarvar Wireless Free Tablet Offer:
You can request for free an 8″ inch or 10″ Android tablet with 10 GB of high-speed mobile data each month and you will have to deposit a one-time payment of $10 for unveiling the tablet benefits. Mostly they provide you with a refurbished Apple iPad or renewed Samsung Galaxy Tab or you may get a brand new Sky Pad 10 tablet.
So that’s all about the Sarvar Wireless free internet program through ACP. For more details on qualifications and how to apply you can call on (888) 744-8950 i.e., the Sarvar Wireless phone number.